We’re evolving, and we want you to be the first to know! Our unwavering…
Dear partners,
As part of our efforts to reduce the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, to protect the health of our people and their families, and also to maintain our commitment to our customers and partners for the seamless and efficient provision of our services, we would like to inform you about the initiatives we have already implemented in response to the current pandemic crisis:
• We carefully follow all the guidelines issued by the competent public bodies (EODY, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor)
• Following the instructions of our occupational physician and safety technician, we have taken all appropriate precautions and apply all hygiene measures inside the workplace, but also for our staff (Drivers and Technicians) working outside the company
• We regularly inform our staff about any change
• We have completely stopped business travels
• We have intensified the daily cleaning of our office space, using antiseptics and disinfectants for our hands and office surfaces
• We have stopped the physical meetings both in our offices and in our clients’ or partners’ workspaces, shifting towards the available advanced teleconference solutions
• We have prohibited coffee & food delivery, as well as non-urgent courier deliveries to our offices
• We have provided our people with all the necessary tools to work from their home
Last but not least, we would like to inform you that we have already installed and tested the required remote access and teleworking systems, so that they can operate for all our staff, covering even the most extreme scenario.
Even in case of a complete business lockdown, we will be able to keep on seamlessly supporting our clients.
Sincerely yours,
Ioannis Angelopoulos, CEO Infinitum SA